Blue Water Exterior Power Washing810-679-2949586-615-7637

Blue Water Exterior Power Washing810-679-2949586-615-7637


Pressure Washing In Lexington Michigan Cottage Country

Cottage Soft Washing

You may already know mold and mildew can be fast-growing if you own a cottage in Lexington Cottage Country especially near a lot of trees, lakes, streams or ponds causing continuous moisture in the air, the trees blocking the sun keeping things from drying out after it rains allowing wet leaves and pine needles that have piled up stick to everything.

These things can be an eyesore, continue to build up causing paint damage, deck wood rot damage and breeding grounds for some of the unhealthy black molds, algae, moss, lichen, and mildew on your cottage siding, deck, fencing, pavers, driveways, and sidewalks especially on the north side of your home where it’s shaded.

Blue Water Exterior Power Washing can fix these problems and we use some of the latest power washing equipment and professional soft wash cleaning agents and protectants to solve these situations before your investment turns into major cottage repair projects causing hundreds if not thousands. Roof and exterior cleaning since 2012.

Call Blue Water Exterior Power Washing just around the corner today near you.

Call: 810-679-2949 or Cell:586-615-7637

Cottage Roof Cleaning

Even your cottage roof can build up with molds and mildew in the valleys of your roof including twigs, pine needles and those pesky flying helicopter seeds we loved as kids causing water to back up, ice dams, gutters and downspouts clogging. Water and ice backing up your roofs shingles eaves can cause shingles to rot then develop roof leaks into your soffits and attic space sometimes without even knowing. 

We use a soft wash roof cleaning system for this particular problem built from professional electric pumps so we can spray your cottage roof with a low-pressure roof cleaning wash to safely kill the black mold, green moss, and lichen off your roof. In most situations, we can rinse the same day leaving your roof as clean as it was when it was first installed without losing its natural color or causing any damage to the shingles of your roof. 

We let the cleaners do most of the work without having to use high pressure. For a free estimate call: (586)-615-7637 or (810)-679-2949

Cottage Deck Pressure Washing

Black algae can also build up on your cottage deck and if left too long can cause ugly slippery staining and even cause rotting of the deck boards over time that would eventually need replacing. 

We won’t use bleach on your deck. Bleach can break down the wood fibers, cause blotching or even change the color. We use only eco-friendly plant safe professional power washing deck cleaners and brighteners to bring back the natural beauty in your deck from dingey to bright and inviting once again.

Kill Germs And Sanitize

We have been doing cottage pressure washing maintenance cottage care for many years now and if you need your Cottage, deck, pavers, or even the roof professionally cleaned, we can take care of it for you. As you probably already know these professional cleaning services can kill germs, sanitize and benefit your family’s health instead of tracking it into your home. 

So give Blue Water Power Washing a call today so we can get started on your most important pressure washing project you’ve had planned. For a free estimate call: (586)-615-7637 or (810)-679-2949

Our cottage is amongst a lot of pine trees and all the edges are stuffed with pine needles. Can soft washing even wash that out?

We use two types of equipment on our trailers, electric pumps for very low pressure and also gas-powered professional power washers with adjustable pressure, so we are in control of whatever pressure is needed to get the job done safely without any damage to your cottage.